Shaketa Redden, Executive Director of our partner Causa Justa::Just Cause, joined us this Monday Meals to discuss critical housing ballot measures to create a more equitable housing system in Oakland: Q, U, and V. Together, Measures Q, U and V:

  • extend eviction and Just Cause protections to additional renters,
  • allocate $350M to the much needed development, construction, and/or acquisition of housing units for low-income households and individuals, and
  • authorize the creation of social housing for 13,000 households! 

I moved to Oakland and specifically when I moved here I moved to West Oakland because of the rich history of the city, because of the history of the Panthers in West Oakland, and like you said, the demographics of our folks are constantly changing. I want to live in a space where I can see my people, and/or other POC. I just want to live in a space where I can really build community with folks,” Shaketa shared. Watch to learn more about how these 3 measures will help do exactly that.