About Us
Our Mission
As a collaborative of racial, economic, and environmental justice organizations, Oakland Rising uses the civic process to build political power for and with BIPOC, working-class, immigrant, and formerly incarcerated community members to bring about systemic change. By flexing people power, aligning like-minded forces, and developing values-based leaders, we are dismantling systems of oppression and building a real Democracy that is inclusive of and led by the communities who have historically and systemically been left out of the political and policy decisions.
We develop key infrastructure necessary to build progressive power by:
- Flexing People Power: We build and exercise progressive political power through mass-based electoral organizing and integrated strategies, including base-building and policy advocacy.
- Aligning Like-Minded Forces: We align and coordinate citywide and regional progressive forces through our collaborative model to build the power and profile of the social justice movement.
- Leading With Values: We recruit, train, advance and support progressive leaders who lead in a collaborative, accountable and values-based way – that centers social justice.
Our Vision
We envision an Oakland that realizes our shared dreams of health, happiness, safety and opportunity for all. A Town that stands for progress and sustainability, that models what is possible in American cities of the 21st century. We believe we can erase the racial, economic, political, environmental and educational inequities that have created barriers between us, and find collective strength in our city’s diversity. We know that Oakland can reach its full potential when residents of any neighborhood, students of any school, riders of any bus can help lead our city into the future. We believe that this vision is possible, and that we will achieve it one vote, one meeting, one march at a time.
The Collaborative

Asian Pacific Environmental Network unites a collective voice to develop an alternative agenda for environmental, social and economic justice, building a progressive base in low-income Asian communities. Significant policy gains include Oakland’s Climate Action Plan.

Causa Justa :: Just Cause challenges displacement and gentrification by growing coalitions and campaigns that confront corporate development with strategic community demands that serve the people. CJJC invests in the leadership of working class Black and Latino families to build community power that ensures long-term economic, racial and gender equity. Recent victories include the Protect Oakland Renters Act – Measure JJ.

Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice disrupts cycles of violence and poverty which impact youth by taking a restorative justice approach. CURYJ leadership helped stop gang injunctions in Oakland.

East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy provides leadership on economic justice issues as Oakland’s premier community-labor institutional alliance. EBASE collaborates on winning campaigns such as the minimum wage increase and Oakland army base jobs policy.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights advances racial and economic justice to ensure dignity and opportunity for low-income people and people of color. Past victories include securing millions more dollars for reentry programs and services with allies for Jobs Not Jails in Alameda County, and stopping the construction of a Super Jail for youth in Alameda County.

Mujeres Unidas Y Activas uses activism to strengthen Latina immigrants and defend immigrants’ rights and social justice. MUA helps 100’s of women escape domestic violence, become strong leaders and take an active role in the movement for immigrants’ rights and social justice.

Parent Voices Oakland fights for affordable and accessible child care for all families. They successfully advocated for $265 million to expand access to childcare vouchers and preschools, and reimbursement rates for childcare providers.

St Mary’s Center works with low-income seniors, children and families, focusing on basic needs and policies so people have food, housing, education, health resources and community support. They provide a safe environment to nearly 3,000 people annually where learning, healing, recovery and self-empowerment happens.
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Oakland Rising is a project from our hearts for the people of Oakland. Thank you for your contribution!