We know this last year has been one of the toughest and we are all eager to return to a sense of normalcy. As places reopen, we hope you and your loved ones continue to keep your safe practices as new cases of COVID increase due to the Delta variant.

Leading up to the reopening, our crew of paid 10 outreach workers knocked on over 13,500 doors, holding conversations with 5,489 community members about the importance of getting vaccinated. Our crew even helped 146 folks schedule vaccination appointments on the spot. We focused outreach in the most COVID-impacted neighborhoods to provide folks with resources and help make the vaccination more accessible.
This campaign was our first time returning to door knocking since shelter in place began. As our Team Leader Raya shared, “The campaign was very personal for everyone on our team. Made up of young, BIPOC, Oakland-natives, our canvassers brought passion and excitement around providing an empowering service in their very own neighborhoods, helping to educate and cut through misinformation and address the very real concerns associated with past abuses from our government. We keep us safe.”
Don’t forget to continue to play your role in maintaining the health and safety of everyone around you while businesses continue to reopen. We can all work towards keeping California open by continuing to wear our masks, following proper sanitization protocols, and keeping 6 ft distance from people outside our immediate circles.

Let’s all do what we can to keep each other safe and healthy.