“This millionaire’s tax they’re talkin’ about? That could electrify a generation.”
That’s what Van Jones, former White House green jobs czar and founder of our partner organization Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, recently said about our Millionaire’s Tax initiative.
Check out the great news coverage it’s getting:

Last Wednesday, February 15, 2012, we held a successful press conference and training to celebrate the launch of the signature gathering phase of our campaign to get the Millionaire’s Tax on the November California ballot. Click here to find out more about how to plug in to the signature gathering effort.
At Oakland Rising this isn’t just another ballot measure fight, it’s personal. Each one of our staff have been personally impacted by California’s budget cuts and want to share how our lives, families and communites would benefit from the Millionaire’s Tax.
- Check out Kopali’s story, our Director of Strategic Partnerships & Community here at Oakland Rising.
- Check out Lanese’s story, our Operations Manager here at Oakland Rising.
What’s the Millionaire’s Tax all about anyway? This straightforward ballot measure would raise an estimated $6 Billion per year. Alameda County would see $154 Million of that money to fund essential safety net services low-income, immigrant and communities of color need to survive. But it goes further than that, the Millionaire’s Tax will fund public education, public safety and road improvements by asking Millionaires to pay 3% in taxes on any income over $1 million, and 5% on income over $2 million. Recent polls show that 70% of California voters support this initiative!
The money raised by the Millionaire’s Tax would be used to:
• Re-hire laid off teachers to reduce class sizes
• Roll back college tuition increases
• Restore cuts to essential services for children, seniors and the disabled
• Re-hire laid off emergency responders
• Create jobs by repairing roads and bridges
And the best thing about it – only Millionaires will pay more in taxes under this proposal. It will not increase taxes one penny on working and middle class families, or on anyone else with an annual income of under $1 million.
With so many Californians distrust of Sacramento politicians, our Millionaire’s Tax cuts through the bureaucracy. Funds will be distributed directly to local communities and schools – with financial audits and online public reports to ensure funds are spent as promised – and CANNOT be raided by Sacramento special interests.
To find out more about the Millionaires Tax and see the official ballot language, click here.
– by Jessamyn Sabbag, Deputy Director