1. When & Where to Vote: Polls are open from 7am to 8pm. You can find your polling place and sample non-partisan ballot here. As long as you are a registered voter in Alameda Co., and are in line by 8pm, you have the right to cast a ballot. This includes the right to vote at ANY Polling Place in the County, even if it’s not your assigned poll location – just ask for a provisional ballot. If your right to vote is challenged, DO NOT leave without voting! Request a provisional ballot, and cast your vote. The provisional ballot will then be checked to ensure that you are eligible to vote.

2. Absentee Voting: If you’re an absentee voter (vote-by-mail), your ballot has to be POST-MARKED on or before Election Day, June 5th, 2018 with 2 first-class stamps. If you do not have stamps, the US Postal service will still deliver your ballot. You also have the option to drop off your absentee ballot at any polling place in your county. Don’t forget to sign the back!
If you did not receive your vote-by-mail ballot, call the county registrar immediately at (510) 272-6933, or you can go to any polling place in the county and ask for a provisional ballot. If you lost your ballot, you may also request to vote via provisional ballot at any polling place in the county. Remember, ALL VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOTS DO GET COUNTED!
3. Voting Early: If you do not think you will have time to vote on June 5 and you do not have a vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote at an early voting location.
4. Photo ID: You do not have to show photo ID or any other proof of identity in order to vote in California. All you have to provide is your name and address. Even if you’re not listed, or listed as having already voted, or as an absentee voter, you still have the right to cast a provisional ballot. The one exception is that if you are voting for the first time and you did not include your driver’s license number, state ID number, OR Social Security Number when you registered to vote, you will need ID.
5. Voter Assistance: You have the right to receive assistance in casting your ballot if you are unable to vote without assistance. This includes curbside voting if you’re disabled, as well as translation of materials if they are not available in your language or if you cannot read.
6. Additionally:
• You have the right to receive a new ballot, prior to casting your ballot, if you believe you made a mistake.
• You have a right to election materials in another language, if there are sufficient residents in your precinct to warrant production.
• You have the right to ask questions about the electoral process and to observe the election process.
7. Voters’ Rights Violation: If you suspect that a violation of voters’ rights is occurring, the first thing to do is take detailed notes (who, what, when, where). You can report any election irregularities by calling (866) OUR-VOTE or download the LCCR Election Protection app to your phone by texting OURVOTE to 90975. This app can be used to report problems, find your polling place and more.
For any other voting questions, contact the secretary of state’s toll-free voter hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683).
We hope this information is helpful in ensuring that all of our community members have a smooth voting experience. Do your part and VOTE!
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