
SLUDGE: Oakland Voters to Decide on Fair Elections Measure
“What we’re looking forward to with Democracy Dollars is that candidates will see that the power actually lies in the majority of Oakland who live in the flatlands, working-class, poor communities of color, immigrant, impacted by the criminal justice system,” suk said. “That if they engage those people, we could build a city that is equitable and build an Oakland for all.”

SLUDGE: Seattle Residents Make Record Use of ‘Democracy Voucher’ Program
In Oakland, voters this November will decide on a ballot measure to create “Democracy Dollars” in their city. The success of Seattle’s program in increasing political engagement helped inform the efforts of the Bay Area groups promoting the ballot measure, according to the community group Oakland Rising.

THE MERCURY NEWS: Change begins with good local government
“Most of us believe we should have the freedom to decide for ourselves whether and when we have children. That requires accessible abortion care – and a strong democracy.” – liz suk

BOLTSMAG.ORG: In California Cities, a New Frontier for Public Financing of Elections
On Monday night, the Oakland City Council unanimously voted to place a democracy vouchers referendum on the city’s November ballot, with all six council members present voting aye. If Oakland voters approve the measure, a new Democracy Dollars program would provide four $25 vouchers for every Oakland voter to donate to eligible city and school board candidates starting in 2024. The referendum on the November ballot also includes other provisions meant to improve campaign finance in the city, including lower campaign contribution limits and new donor disclosure requirements

Bold Ballot Measure to Reform Oakland Elections Qualifies for November Ballot
“Oaklanders deserve a local government where our representatives represent all of us — where candidates and elected officials can focus on what our communities need, not what big-money donors and special interests want. If we want to see change on issues like affordable housing, community safety, and quality schools, we need more transparency about the outside groups that are spending millions to influence our elections and we need a more responsive city government,” says liz suk, Executive Director, Oakland Rising.

Supporting Democracy Dollars Is a Powerful Way Funders Can Protect Local Elections
So what can be done to reduce the influence of big money and shift power back to the people? The Fair Elections Oakland coalition, composed of grassroots power-building organizations and long-time democracy reform experts, feels it has found an answer in “Democracy Dollars.”….a model of public financing of elections that has been piloted in Seattle since 2017.

SLUDGE: Oakland Community Groups Launch Campaign to Fight Big Money in Elections
“We’ll see more grassroots candidates run more viable campaigns and see an increased turnout of low-propensity voters, those who have been left out will have a voice in Oakland,” suk said. “If it passes in Oakland, it can build a movement toward real campaign finance reform.”

High-Dollar Donors, Special Interests Continue To Dominate Oakland’s Local Elections
MapLight Releases New Analysis: “Campaign Cash: The Outsized Role of Money in Oakland Elections” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 2, 2022CONTACT: Irene Rojas-Carroll, [email protected] OAKLAND, CA – High-dollar donors and special-interest groups continue...

94.1 KPFA UpFront: OUSD School Closures
Cat Brooks is joined by City Councilmember Carroll Fife, Pecolia Manigo , co-director of Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network and member of the Reparations for Black Students Coalition, Maurice “André” San-Chez, teacher and hunger striker, and Oakland Rising’s Executive Director, liz suk.

Billionaires Are Spending 39 Times More on Federal Elections Since Citizens United Supreme Court Decision in 2010
On the 12th anniversary of the Citizens United ruling, it’s never been clearer that campaign finance reform is necessary to tip economic and political power back to the people and give equal footing to all – regardless of wealth.

Coalition of Oakland-Based Community Organizations: Fair Oakland Districts Only Possible with Edits to Map F3
“Whether we are Black, Brown, or white, from a rich neighborhood or a poor neighborhood, nearly all of us in Oakland believe that every voice deserves equal representation. The best chance to do that is by empowering flatlands communities to have independent districts that allow all residents to have a voice on the City Council and School Board.” – liz suk, Executive Director of Oakland Rising

94.1 KPFA Upfront: Oakland’s redistricting
liz explains how redistricting impacts who represents us and who is represented in districts so that the needs of our communities are met. Listen to her break down how equitable democracy was brought into the process to create the maps.

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Charges – Organizations Demand that the Federal Department of Justice Intervenes: Oakland To Fill The Streets, 6PM, Friday, November 16th
Today, the Wisconsin injustice system has legalized lynch mobs. And, President Biden and the federal Department of Justice have remained silent.

Statewide Coalition Focused on Racial Equity Encourages Fairness in California Redistricting Process
The California Black Census and Redistricting Hub Coalition responds to flaws identified in draft maps presented by the California Redistricting Commission. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2021- The California Citizens Redistricting Commission released draft maps that...

San Francisco Chronicle – Oakland Chinatown’s rising violence: Is more police the solution?
The CHP began patrolling Oakland streets Sept. 12. That’s in addition to the increased police presence in Chinatown….But Oakland resident and community organizer Liz Suk says that presence sends the wrong message about the community’s needs because it “centers the criminal justice system as a legitimate one. And it is not legitimate because it is a system that targets certain people, particularly black and brown folks, communities of color and immigrant folks as criminal.”

San Francisco Chronicle Podcast, Fifth & Mission – Oakland Chinatown Deliberates: More Police or Less?
Oakland Rising’s liz suk calls for building on the Bay Area’s rich history of Black and Asian solidarity

Community Advocates Demand City Council Protect Community Oversight in the Development & Implementation of MACRO—Despite Attempts to Silence Community Experts
On Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 1:30PM PST the Oakland City Council’s Public Safety Committee will be determining if Oakland residents get a voice in the development and implementation of the City’s non-police response service, the Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland (MACRO).

PRESS RELEASE: No Head Start Cuts, No Head Start Layoffs, No Head Start Closures
August 26, 2021 Dear Mayor Libby Schaaf and Oakland City Council, We are writing as a community-labor partnership and growing coalition of organizations who are collectively building power in the pursuit of an agenda that centers racial, gender, and economic...

SF CHRONICLE: “No, Oakland didn’t ‘defund’ the police” OP-ED by Cat Brooks
The data show that when the dollars flow into community-centered services, violence will decrease. As a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found: “No sector alone can prevent violence. Cities need integrated strategic plans and coordinated efforts across multiple sectors.”

94.1 KPFA: Reducing funding for policing that is racist and unjust
Last Thursday, June 24, the Oakland City Council took a major budget vote to reduce the size of a planned increase in police spending and divert resources to non-cop emergency response alternatives, after a year of fierce organizing and public outcry for reducing funding for policing that is racist and unjust.
Oakland residents divided over reinvesting police amid violence: ‘We all want to feel safe’
“Crime is on the increase because we’re in a pandemic,” Suk said. She said jobs, affordable housing, recreation programs for children and mental health services are desperately needed. “We need a response from the city that is different than what it is now,” she added.

94.1 KPFA: Oakland’s Budget Is Up for Vote Today
LISTEN ON KPFA WEBSITE HERE Fast forward to 1:50: Oakland’s biennial Budget is up for a big vote today. Cherri Murphy is a faith-rooted organizer with Faith Alliance For A Moral Economy, an initiative of the East Bay Alliance For A Moral Economy join us to discuss...

不只非裔 不少亞裔也是司法不公受害者/ Not Only African Americans, many Asians are also victims of judicial injustice
“In the Bay Area, several Asians died as a result of police violence, and Asians are also victims (police violence).” She emphasized that the interests of ethnic minorities are closely related, and all ethnic minorities should work together to oppose police violence.”

Oakland Artists Organize a Town Hall to Shape the City Budget
The Artists in Action virtual town hall on May 25 invites participants to bring their ideas and voices, and join a slate of artists and activists advocating for racial and economic justice.

Late, Confusing, & Police-Heavy: Schaaf Introduces Biennial Budget at City Council Meeting
“With the Mayor releasing her budget a week late and making broad claims about this being a “just recovery” budget it feels like she’s using the Budget Bureau’s inability to roll out the tool properly to cover for her pro-police budget,” said liz suk.

Maintain police spending or invest in alternatives: What do Oaklanders really want?
“Libby Schaaf has, for the last 7 years as mayor, used fear to continue to tell a story that the people want more policing when, in fact, the community is fearful of the police,” said Suk. “We’ve heard from the community, and her own survey shows that the priorities of the people of Oakland are investing in programs that address the root causes of poverty and violence, affordable and stable housing, and crime and violence prevention programs.”

The Mercury News: Oakland mayor’s proposed budget increases police spending
Allocates more for overtime By ANNIE SCIACCA OAKLAND — Mayor Libby Schaaf’s newly released budget proposal would increase police spending from the general purposes fund over the next two years, despite the Oakland City Council last year stating its goal to cut...

With The Late Release of Mayor’s Confusing Series of Web pages dubbed a “Budget”, the People of Oakland Demand: Prioritize Our Communities
Oakland, CA-The people of Oakland deserve clean streets, affordable housing, critical city services, and good jobs. From the flatlands to the hills, it is clear that in order to build a city where everyone can prosper, our city leaders must invest in the physical,...

94.1 KPFA: On the ground with protesters outside Oakland Mayor Schaaf’s home
Listen on 94.1 KPFA website 1:08 – BREAKING NEWS: Residents are rallying outside Mayor Libby Schaaf’s home to protest her illegal delay of the 2021-2023 budget. liz suk (@liz_suk) is interim executive director for Oakland Rising, which mobilizes and educates...

94.1 KPFA: The Reimagining Public Safety Taskforce recommendations go before the Public Safety Committee
LISTEN ON KPFA WEBSITE HERE Fast forward to 1:48: Oakland - The Reimagining Public Safety Taskforce recommendations go before the Public Safety Committee James Burch is the Policy Director of the Anti-Police Terror Project, and President of the National Lawyers...

OAKLANDVOICES.US: Oakland organizations working toward solidarity between Black and Asian communities
By Brandy Collins Posted April 2, 2021 7:13 pm It’s a difficult time to prioritize emotions. Days after people took to the streets in protest for #StopAsianHate responding to the mass shooting of eight people in Atlanta, six of whom were Asian...

Coalition of Progressive Labor & Community Groups Calls On The City of Oakland to “Reinvest in Recovery—Show Us the Receipts”
(Oakland, California) — In anticipation of the City Council accepting federal relief funds on March 29, a coalition of Community and Labor groups representing city workers, homeless advocates and residents called on City Leaders, including the Mayor and City Council,...

‘From Oakland to Atlanta,’ community members send messages of solidarity, resistance, and healing
By Momo Chang and Amir Aziz This article is cross-published with Oaklandside. One week after eight people were killed by a mass shooting suspect in Atlanta, including six Asian American women, community members from Oakland and beyond gathered at...

Oakland vigil honors Asian-American women killed in Atlanta shooting
OAKLAND, Calif. - In Oakland's Madison Park on Tuesday evening, crowds gathered for a vigil to mark one week since the shooting deaths of eight people in Atlanta, six of them women of Asian descent. The women who were murdered in Atlanta were of Korean...

94.1 KPFA: Ending Anti-Asian Violence
We check in with The Black Alliance for Peace to discuss US foreign policy in Haiti, Africa and South America. Later we speak with liz suk of Oakland Rising about ending anti-Asian violence. Guests: Ajamu Baraka with The Black Alliance for Peace and Elizabeth Suk -...

SLUDGE: Oakland Voters to Decide on Fair Elections Measure
“What we’re looking forward to with Democracy Dollars is that candidates will see that the power actually lies in the majority of Oakland who live in the flatlands, working-class, poor communities of color, immigrant, impacted by the criminal justice system,” suk said. “That if they engage those people, we could build a city that is equitable and build an Oakland for all.”

SLUDGE: Seattle Residents Make Record Use of ‘Democracy Voucher’ Program
In Oakland, voters this November will decide on a ballot measure to create “Democracy Dollars” in their city. The success of Seattle’s program in increasing political engagement helped inform the efforts of the Bay Area groups promoting the ballot measure, according to the community group Oakland Rising.

THE MERCURY NEWS: Change begins with good local government
“Most of us believe we should have the freedom to decide for ourselves whether and when we have children. That requires accessible abortion care – and a strong democracy.” – liz suk

BOLTSMAG.ORG: In California Cities, a New Frontier for Public Financing of Elections
On Monday night, the Oakland City Council unanimously voted to place a democracy vouchers referendum on the city’s November ballot, with all six council members present voting aye. If Oakland voters approve the measure, a new Democracy Dollars program would provide four $25 vouchers for every Oakland voter to donate to eligible city and school board candidates starting in 2024. The referendum on the November ballot also includes other provisions meant to improve campaign finance in the city, including lower campaign contribution limits and new donor disclosure requirements

Bold Ballot Measure to Reform Oakland Elections Qualifies for November Ballot
“Oaklanders deserve a local government where our representatives represent all of us — where candidates and elected officials can focus on what our communities need, not what big-money donors and special interests want. If we want to see change on issues like affordable housing, community safety, and quality schools, we need more transparency about the outside groups that are spending millions to influence our elections and we need a more responsive city government,” says liz suk, Executive Director, Oakland Rising.

Supporting Democracy Dollars Is a Powerful Way Funders Can Protect Local Elections
So what can be done to reduce the influence of big money and shift power back to the people? The Fair Elections Oakland coalition, composed of grassroots power-building organizations and long-time democracy reform experts, feels it has found an answer in “Democracy Dollars.”….a model of public financing of elections that has been piloted in Seattle since 2017.

SLUDGE: Oakland Community Groups Launch Campaign to Fight Big Money in Elections
“We’ll see more grassroots candidates run more viable campaigns and see an increased turnout of low-propensity voters, those who have been left out will have a voice in Oakland,” suk said. “If it passes in Oakland, it can build a movement toward real campaign finance reform.”

High-Dollar Donors, Special Interests Continue To Dominate Oakland’s Local Elections
MapLight Releases New Analysis: “Campaign Cash: The Outsized Role of Money in Oakland Elections” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 2, 2022CONTACT: Irene Rojas-Carroll, [email protected] OAKLAND, CA – High-dollar donors and special-interest groups continue...

94.1 KPFA UpFront: OUSD School Closures
Cat Brooks is joined by City Councilmember Carroll Fife, Pecolia Manigo , co-director of Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network and member of the Reparations for Black Students Coalition, Maurice “André” San-Chez, teacher and hunger striker, and Oakland Rising’s Executive Director, liz suk.

Billionaires Are Spending 39 Times More on Federal Elections Since Citizens United Supreme Court Decision in 2010
On the 12th anniversary of the Citizens United ruling, it’s never been clearer that campaign finance reform is necessary to tip economic and political power back to the people and give equal footing to all – regardless of wealth.

Coalition of Oakland-Based Community Organizations: Fair Oakland Districts Only Possible with Edits to Map F3
“Whether we are Black, Brown, or white, from a rich neighborhood or a poor neighborhood, nearly all of us in Oakland believe that every voice deserves equal representation. The best chance to do that is by empowering flatlands communities to have independent districts that allow all residents to have a voice on the City Council and School Board.” – liz suk, Executive Director of Oakland Rising

94.1 KPFA Upfront: Oakland’s redistricting
liz explains how redistricting impacts who represents us and who is represented in districts so that the needs of our communities are met. Listen to her break down how equitable democracy was brought into the process to create the maps.

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Charges – Organizations Demand that the Federal Department of Justice Intervenes: Oakland To Fill The Streets, 6PM, Friday, November 16th
Today, the Wisconsin injustice system has legalized lynch mobs. And, President Biden and the federal Department of Justice have remained silent.

Statewide Coalition Focused on Racial Equity Encourages Fairness in California Redistricting Process
The California Black Census and Redistricting Hub Coalition responds to flaws identified in draft maps presented by the California Redistricting Commission. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2021- The California Citizens Redistricting Commission released draft maps that...

San Francisco Chronicle – Oakland Chinatown’s rising violence: Is more police the solution?
The CHP began patrolling Oakland streets Sept. 12. That’s in addition to the increased police presence in Chinatown….But Oakland resident and community organizer Liz Suk says that presence sends the wrong message about the community’s needs because it “centers the criminal justice system as a legitimate one. And it is not legitimate because it is a system that targets certain people, particularly black and brown folks, communities of color and immigrant folks as criminal.”

San Francisco Chronicle Podcast, Fifth & Mission – Oakland Chinatown Deliberates: More Police or Less?
Oakland Rising’s liz suk calls for building on the Bay Area’s rich history of Black and Asian solidarity

Community Advocates Demand City Council Protect Community Oversight in the Development & Implementation of MACRO—Despite Attempts to Silence Community Experts
On Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 1:30PM PST the Oakland City Council’s Public Safety Committee will be determining if Oakland residents get a voice in the development and implementation of the City’s non-police response service, the Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland (MACRO).

PRESS RELEASE: No Head Start Cuts, No Head Start Layoffs, No Head Start Closures
August 26, 2021 Dear Mayor Libby Schaaf and Oakland City Council, We are writing as a community-labor partnership and growing coalition of organizations who are collectively building power in the pursuit of an agenda that centers racial, gender, and economic...

SF CHRONICLE: “No, Oakland didn’t ‘defund’ the police” OP-ED by Cat Brooks
The data show that when the dollars flow into community-centered services, violence will decrease. As a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found: “No sector alone can prevent violence. Cities need integrated strategic plans and coordinated efforts across multiple sectors.”

94.1 KPFA: Reducing funding for policing that is racist and unjust
Last Thursday, June 24, the Oakland City Council took a major budget vote to reduce the size of a planned increase in police spending and divert resources to non-cop emergency response alternatives, after a year of fierce organizing and public outcry for reducing funding for policing that is racist and unjust.
Oakland residents divided over reinvesting police amid violence: ‘We all want to feel safe’
“Crime is on the increase because we’re in a pandemic,” Suk said. She said jobs, affordable housing, recreation programs for children and mental health services are desperately needed. “We need a response from the city that is different than what it is now,” she added.

94.1 KPFA: Oakland’s Budget Is Up for Vote Today
LISTEN ON KPFA WEBSITE HERE Fast forward to 1:50: Oakland’s biennial Budget is up for a big vote today. Cherri Murphy is a faith-rooted organizer with Faith Alliance For A Moral Economy, an initiative of the East Bay Alliance For A Moral Economy join us to discuss...

不只非裔 不少亞裔也是司法不公受害者/ Not Only African Americans, many Asians are also victims of judicial injustice
“In the Bay Area, several Asians died as a result of police violence, and Asians are also victims (police violence).” She emphasized that the interests of ethnic minorities are closely related, and all ethnic minorities should work together to oppose police violence.”

Oakland Artists Organize a Town Hall to Shape the City Budget
The Artists in Action virtual town hall on May 25 invites participants to bring their ideas and voices, and join a slate of artists and activists advocating for racial and economic justice.

Late, Confusing, & Police-Heavy: Schaaf Introduces Biennial Budget at City Council Meeting
“With the Mayor releasing her budget a week late and making broad claims about this being a “just recovery” budget it feels like she’s using the Budget Bureau’s inability to roll out the tool properly to cover for her pro-police budget,” said liz suk.

Maintain police spending or invest in alternatives: What do Oaklanders really want?
“Libby Schaaf has, for the last 7 years as mayor, used fear to continue to tell a story that the people want more policing when, in fact, the community is fearful of the police,” said Suk. “We’ve heard from the community, and her own survey shows that the priorities of the people of Oakland are investing in programs that address the root causes of poverty and violence, affordable and stable housing, and crime and violence prevention programs.”

The Mercury News: Oakland mayor’s proposed budget increases police spending
Allocates more for overtime By ANNIE SCIACCA OAKLAND — Mayor Libby Schaaf’s newly released budget proposal would increase police spending from the general purposes fund over the next two years, despite the Oakland City Council last year stating its goal to cut...

With The Late Release of Mayor’s Confusing Series of Web pages dubbed a “Budget”, the People of Oakland Demand: Prioritize Our Communities
Oakland, CA-The people of Oakland deserve clean streets, affordable housing, critical city services, and good jobs. From the flatlands to the hills, it is clear that in order to build a city where everyone can prosper, our city leaders must invest in the physical,...

94.1 KPFA: On the ground with protesters outside Oakland Mayor Schaaf’s home
Listen on 94.1 KPFA website 1:08 – BREAKING NEWS: Residents are rallying outside Mayor Libby Schaaf’s home to protest her illegal delay of the 2021-2023 budget. liz suk (@liz_suk) is interim executive director for Oakland Rising, which mobilizes and educates...

94.1 KPFA: The Reimagining Public Safety Taskforce recommendations go before the Public Safety Committee
LISTEN ON KPFA WEBSITE HERE Fast forward to 1:48: Oakland - The Reimagining Public Safety Taskforce recommendations go before the Public Safety Committee James Burch is the Policy Director of the Anti-Police Terror Project, and President of the National Lawyers...

OAKLANDVOICES.US: Oakland organizations working toward solidarity between Black and Asian communities
By Brandy Collins Posted April 2, 2021 7:13 pm It’s a difficult time to prioritize emotions. Days after people took to the streets in protest for #StopAsianHate responding to the mass shooting of eight people in Atlanta, six of whom were Asian...

Coalition of Progressive Labor & Community Groups Calls On The City of Oakland to “Reinvest in Recovery—Show Us the Receipts”
(Oakland, California) — In anticipation of the City Council accepting federal relief funds on March 29, a coalition of Community and Labor groups representing city workers, homeless advocates and residents called on City Leaders, including the Mayor and City Council,...

‘From Oakland to Atlanta,’ community members send messages of solidarity, resistance, and healing
By Momo Chang and Amir Aziz This article is cross-published with Oaklandside. One week after eight people were killed by a mass shooting suspect in Atlanta, including six Asian American women, community members from Oakland and beyond gathered at...

Oakland vigil honors Asian-American women killed in Atlanta shooting
OAKLAND, Calif. - In Oakland's Madison Park on Tuesday evening, crowds gathered for a vigil to mark one week since the shooting deaths of eight people in Atlanta, six of them women of Asian descent. The women who were murdered in Atlanta were of Korean...

94.1 KPFA: Ending Anti-Asian Violence
We check in with The Black Alliance for Peace to discuss US foreign policy in Haiti, Africa and South America. Later we speak with liz suk of Oakland Rising about ending anti-Asian violence. Guests: Ajamu Baraka with The Black Alliance for Peace and Elizabeth Suk -...
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